Dan's Hunt for Data Science Consultant (2/5)

Previous: Urgent: Need to Talk [1/5]

Dan immediately reaches out to the talent resourcing agency. Within a few hours, the agency puts forward the resumes of two available data scientists.

One of the two shortlisted candidates is Oscar, with 2 years of experience at a prestigious consulting company. Oscar is very friendly, confident, and easy to communicate with.

Dan schedules Oscar’s interview with multiple team members on the same day. The interviewers included Dan, a business lead and a data engineer. Did they ask typical questions during the interview, such as:

  • Walk us through your latest data science project?
  • How do you handle conflict?
  • When can you join? and
  • so on.

Oscar was able properly to answer all the questions. Oscar was given the opportunity to ask any questions. Likewise, Oscar asked typical candidate questions like:

  • Is it a new role or replacement?
  • How many team members do you have?
  • What is your workplace culture like?
  • etc.

Dan also interviewed the other candidate who sounded technically stronger and with more experience.
However, his communication skills were not that good.

Therefore, Dan and the team offered a contract to Oscar at a higher than usual rate. Oscar immediately accepted it as he was out of work for the last few months.

Next >> Oscar, The Data Science Consultant [3/5]

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